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'Friends' too outdated!!

Writer: J. Shruti Khurana J. Shruti Khurana

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

Isn’t very nice to have someone with you always, motivating, teasing, taunting you so that you finish your work properly and on time or who takes care of you, with whom you can share those secrets that nobody is supposed to know, that’s what friends do, don’t they? How easy it is to pull out the positives of having a friend, no wonder they are very necessary for life, aren’t they?

I am fortunate to have friends throughout my life without a doubt, anyway, I generally wonder imagine a scenario in which I didn't, how might my life be. We live in a daily reality where it gets very hard to identify a true friend who actually may act in your best interest because according to me that’s what true friends do. While even writing this, I am wondering why I am even emphasizing the word ‘true friend’ not just saying friend, I am pretty sure you all must be knowing why. We all have seen betrayals some way or the other, may not be huge but it exists and that hurts. My father always tells me, people are not bad, sometimes their choices are, and I totally agree with him. Sometimes I don’t fit in according to my friend’s choices and thus I stop trying to fit in or call them, ‘true friends’, very simple, isn’t?

Fairly speaking having spent living in a hostel and later, moving to another country away from family and that protected shield provided by your parents, means less time with family and more with some stranger who become your true friends or friends eventually, (I don’t like to spread hate in the world so no enemies) that implies I am very particular about the people getting involved in my life and what I am going to write after this may get little confusing because you know I’ve got lots of mysterious questions.

Life is very simple to be put into words but hard to practically face it like how some things have changed for example, what I learnt about the meaning of a friend then, its slightly different from what I experience now. Things change, people change, time change, we change although I feel we try to cover things changing with the term ‘develop’. When we say to develop and change, they are two different terminologies and meaning behind those. When I say to my friend you have developed so well, I mean to appreciate them but When I say you have changed my friend, I mean to express my feeling that you have changed but not as what I expected.

I for a reason feel the word ‘friend’ is too outdated and fairly those friends who promise to stay providing unconditional torture and love, they are not friends forever or true friends, they are family. One of the best feelings in the world is when your friends become your family and anything they do; you cannot leave them but learn to bare them.

Hence, this is for you my little family.

Thank you for coming into my life and adding your problems to mine.

Thank you for showing me that my life belongs to you,

Because nothing else you allow me to do.

You are the happiness and sorrow of my world because I know,

You are not as innocent as my parents think.

You are good today and naughty as we blink.

Be it Chennai or Canada or Delhi, I met you,

I am happy I did, and I don’t prefer to share you

Because you are mine

You weren’t just my survival buddies,

But a lesson, love and lifeline

I love you as you can see

because you are a family to me.

ps: there are limited pictures but the feelings are for the entire family.


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1 Comment

Apr 16, 2020

I really appreciate your efforts.... p.s. its a heartfelt thought that touched the heart.!!

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