God is great, he does everything for a reason that is what we have been listening to from the time we were born. There is always a reason behind everything that happens to us without our will. I sure as hell believe that. I am a 21-year-old girl, who is still confused about the questions that are getting into my head and not sorted but, I might have found some unexpected answers that may or may not be right but satisfy me for time being. I feel happy discussing the latter with you today. Sit tight my friends, you might as well have to read this twice to get through your mind though there is nothing new in it.

Nobody is perfect because we all are human beings. One might think about themselves being perfect, let’s consider them as “x” but the outside world can never unanimously vote for “x” to be perfect even if he/she is. What I understand is that “x” does not seem perfect, not because he/she is making some mistakes but because everyone in the outside world holds a different opinion and perspective. There might be 99.9% people feeling “x” is perfect but there will always be 0.1% opposing it. Not saying that 99.9% of people will always find you perfect, that count could be 0.01% too. We live in a world where for one person it becomes too important for them to be liked by all especially for the teen to 25 until it starts hitting them, it’s merely a temporary world. A wise man once said, “we enter the world alone, we leave the world alone”, as satisfying as this could be, everyone likes to spend the time until they exist with beautiful people around them. It starts to hurt when those beautiful people turn against you because their perspective is not ready to accept you and that wound may or may not have stopped you from doing what pleases you.

I have spent 7 years of my life in a hostel where kids come from different places with different cultures but one thing in common, everybody had the power of acceptance. We did not have the same thinking or opinion, but we accepted and welcomed each other with open arm. There always was a conflict of opinion, yet those opinions were respected, that’s what mattered. You will not be respected every time for what you think is the best because perspective differs from person to person but that does not mean you aren’t right. As john mill says unless your decision does not affect or harm another person, you are good to go.
It really does not matter if you are ‘x’ or ‘y’, you need to start working the way it is right than what is expected. It is important to realize the people in your life will come and go but what you may or may not know is that this time is never coming back. I know nobody wants to think years later that you could have worked on yourself when you had the chance to. Laws of attraction is true; it works but not without an effort because every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, without action, there will be no reaction, no matter which law you apply. Life is a battle, there will always be hurdles, there is no comfort zone until you build one for yourself accepting the reality of today.
When I was little, somebody once told me, if you start having people opposing you, you are growing.
It’s high time now, we learn to accept the growth.
It’s the more enemies to ignore, we hold than
the friends to share happiness with.
It’s the silence that helps better,
Than the noises, we make together.