Thank you, beautiful word it is. very pleasing and necessary in one’s life. I always knew the meaning of it but just recently learned to use it when I moved to Canada around two years back.
I am an Indian and I love India, especially it’s culture and social life. Different theories explain that we are socially dependent, which is knowingly or unknowingly true because we Indians, automatically assume that everyone is ought to do their duty, be it our parents, employees or even our friends, although they could always choose a way not to help us.
I was never really thankful to any of them previously like any other kid, like obviously I too assumed it, that my parents are supposed to pay for my schooling like every other parent since it is their responsibility to spend so much on my high profiled school because it never occurred to my mind that nobody forced them, they chose to provide me all the facilities they could and at times, even beyond their reach.

Do not mistake it with importance, I knew the importance of my family, I knew that I was nothing without them but was never thankful. There is a slight difference in both. Honestly, this is not just about families, it is about every person in your life you come across who makes an effort to make your life even a tiny bit easier. The ones serving you at food industries, or the ones at your home, the domestic workers, or doctors, or nurses, or siblings etc. I don’t really think we ever thanked a doctor for their service until this lockdown. However, In Canada, you are alone and you learn to manage to live your life that way, you may not always encounter people trying to help you figure out things in your life or giving you company but when they do, after all that you would have been through alone, you automatically learn to thank them.
Again, nothing we did not know, but, maybe, we just needed a reminder that we needed to embrace it before it’s gone. I believe when we learn to thank every small effort or happening in our life, we gradually start looking for the blessing in disguise if that makes sense?
At times, it is perhaps hard to recognize the good deed while having bad times, something that hurts you must have happened for something good, but it’s hardly understood during those times. After you analyze the situation, you will realize there always is a blessing in disguise. It’s only been few days and I read a best-selling book “ The subtle art of not giving a f*ck” The most important thing it taught me was not to blame anyone for any of your problems because you always have a choice for happiness and being optimistic but we tend to feel petty for us, most of the times.
Gratitude helps a person value his/her life for everything they have achieved, or god gifted. I am thankful for the entry of every person in my life, those who got along and gave a beautiful company, those who did not get along and made me stronger in their own way, those who didn’t have to say or do anything because their presence was enough and the biggest blessing in my life, my family.
At a very young age during my 5th grade, I joined the hostel. I understood the meaning of love on my first day of school when my mother cried more than me. My father fulfilled all my demands before I even could ask, he always just knew. Although, during my first-year hostel, I asked him something that might have been a bit silly. I requested my dad to bring my 5 ft. tall teddy from home to my hostel, my dad asked me if it was okay buying a new one in Chennai itself but no, I was his stubborn little girl and wanted my teddy. No more questions and he took the next flight to meet me with my demanded gift. It wouldn’t have been a big deal to me then but now I can feel the happiness every moment I think of it.
PS: Thank you to everyone who made it even a tiny bit easy to live.
Really well written ❤