It is said that, we live in a man dominating world where it is evidently noticed that the women have come a long way proving themselves nothing less than them, for which we see everyone standing up for it and identifying and praising their remarkable hard work. There is no doubt concerning the women in our society and their capability at best. However, while focusing and giving the spotlight to girls and women in the society, somewhere down the line, we have stopped appreciating the efforts of a man, especially fathers.
In India, when a boy is born in a home, he takes birth with more expectations that society has from him than what the society has from the girls. It is in our superficial traditions that while searching a groom for the daughter of the house, the main requirement that the parents present forth is the capability and wealth of the boy. It is hardly witnessed that a girl is expected to earn more than the boy as a pertinent matter for marriage.
A man handles the pressure put forth by society and himself. Once he becomes a father, he is trained in a way that the work is not supposed to affect his life at home because despite any ups and downs he may face; the father still holds up the smiley face for the sake of the family because he knows that his only purpose of earning and working is the happiness of his family.
My father started working way earlier than I could imagine, he was and is always determined and never stops and I guess, he is a workaholic now. He loves the work as much as he loves us, his family. For anything my brothers and I demanded, the answer was always a yes until the demand included a night stay at any of my friend’s home. He is not one of a kind, he is the only piece I know. That may not be exactly appropriate but it’s true. He may be very strict as a father, but he never cut my wings. I was and I am always allowed to fly, keeping my head high. He is the one person I know who can never hate me despite my uncountable mistakes. I may not have exactly achieved enough to make him proud yet, but I intend to.
For the growing children, it is hard to build a bond with their dad, because fathers don’t exactly tell us what we wish to do and for sure the thoughts may conflict. One thing that I know is that no matter what you do, never forget the intention of your father for making you the happiest person in the world. The world is not exactly a place to trust anyone but your family. The morals, the teachings, that one must respect.
When I was a little girl, my father would simply tell me to follow my dreams and explore the way my life was taking me. Although, that statement never stopped him from restricting a few of my choices and acts. Maybe then I was very skeptical of my father’s opinion because it conflicted with my own. But now that I feel the satisfaction in my life and enjoy what I am studying or who I am becoming regardless of how much planning and worry I still have for my future. I owe my life to my dad who never stopped believing in me.
Always remember: a person who has worked their entire life just to make your life better would want nothing but the best for you.
This is beautiful ❤️
You've nailed your thoughts, and all the lines are so true; which shows us the hardwork of our parents, and all this they do without expecting anything in return except for our love and affection.