The irony, right? calling it unsatisfied after having your dream come true. To everyone who is spending their days at home wondering when will this phase of Quarantine due to COVID-19 be over, hasn't this been so evolutionary in itself? The happiness that people showed from not being forced to wake up early in the morning for classes, or rush to work or even have any tension for the paper that is due next day, same people are now waiting for this phase to end. Doing nothing has been the most enjoyable activity for a lot of people we know especially teenagers and those who tired from the daily routine, it is in their blood to enjoy this phase yet, they are showing dissenting opinions and are wishing to be out soon. When a body restricts you from any action, you automatically tend to be inclined towards doing it, nevertheless, you try not to which pragmatically you are doing now. The reason behind it is that body takes away the freedom of doing that action from you which is unacceptable to your mind. Freedom is too important right; it was for me too. I wished to be all by myself and have all the freedom I like. Turns out sometimes dreams don't come true and if they do, they are not as tasteful as you thought they would be. As a child, I lived in a hostel which for sure expectedly had millions of restrictions in every possible area. I always wished for an independent life, where nobody would say anything, or ask anything. I had several doubts within myself about this life and what I wanted from it. Can I fly with the freedom I like? Explain to me the meaning of this life Like I would understand it right. I have questions in my mind, Feeling them unanswered from my heart, There is no satisfaction I could find. Do you want to help me find them? But, wait, don’t tangle them more Do not be the reason to increase the number I already feel I’m done for. I left the search for a while, Thought it will be alright But it is left still with “might”. Maybe there are no answers Or are my questions wrong? I’m sure, the journey with hurdles is pretty long. I am not alone in it, Not that there are people to help or blame Instead, the ones, feeling the same. Many get through fine, but some get stuck like me, We think to flee but not to fall in a trap again So, we dream to be free. Free from the questions in mind, From the restrictions in life, From everything we don’t think is right. Can I fly with the freedom I Like?

My freedom, I realised was living in the moment and following my passions, no matter where I was.. The rest didn't matter, the world didn't matter. What mattered is my happiness and of those I loved and was being loved by. When you start growing up, you start to realize how crucial those little time were when you were so little because you had people around you that cared about you. The restrictions they placed for you were the best for having your life away from the mess. Everyone likes freedom in their life but trust me my friends, its good until limited. Life is beautiful the way it is. The unanswered questions in life brings the thrill and watching your friends walk with you through the same path is what makes you less lonely. Laugh about the moments you live in every way possible with everyone with you.
Dreaming high is awesome but not loosing happiness in that path is even more fun. This Quarantine, those who are getting to spend time on yourself, damn! You are lucky. Those who always wished for time with family, grab it, it’s all yours. Those who are away from your family, surprise them with something new, maybe learning or morning texts, pretty sure you love technology. The satisfaction of every moment is what a dream of every person in this universe should be because other dreams may come true but not be satisfied. Ps: special thanks to those who are working for us in hospitals and Pharmacies, labours and our dear parents who have to bear us.
Very well written 💯❤️
This is so beautiful, well said ❤️🥺
Beautiful 🖤🥺🖤